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2:05pm 06-04-2017
Tony Herrera Cruz
Great grandson of Juan Seguin through Carrvajal, Herrera decendents
5:51pm 04-02-2017
Andrew Vela
Ineresting information about Juan N. Seguín. Thank you
9:22pm 09-04-2016
ron williams
god bless all the brave men of that time in our country !!
7:25pm 07-03-2016
Charles Lurch
Juan Seguin was a true American patriot, one of the greatest.

The truly patriotic story of Colonel Juan Seguin needs to be made known to the current generation of Americans that have no idea of about our history and of the great people of all ethnic backgrounds that made America a great country!
7:03pm 01-05-2016
great history lesson --real-- --hero --great to know.
7:08pm 09-17-2015
Gerry Newberry
A great Tejano leader, A man that was in so many battles for Texas against Mexico, against family, against Indians then after all this the true Patriot was made to leave Texas by people coming to live from America. These people didn't see a Hero, a Congressman, a Mayor, a Leader for freedom all they so was a Mexican and over time run him off to Mexico. I, think this sort of treatment of true Mexican Americans is about to start again
10:39am 05-27-2015
Colonel Juan Seguin a true Tejano patriot and hero of Texas independence. He is an example of an individual who defied all odds and did all the right things for all the right reasons. There should be a statue erected at the state capitol in Austin. A true American Hero!!
9:50pm 03-12-2015
George Benavides
I'm a descendant of Gregorio Esparza and I know Albert Seguin, his he related to you? I'm sure please send me any and all reunions that you might have that I could attend.

George Rosales Benavides

ps. There are not enough charactors in the name area.
6:54pm 02-03-2015
Rhonda J Seguin
I'm very proud to be a GRGRGRGR SEGUINGRANDDAUGHTER .... I love this site a..Thank you
3:02pm 08-22-2014
Delores Casanova
My name's Delores Casanova, I'm a descendant of Juan Seguin. My grandmother was Bernice Seguin Casanova whom was Juan Seguins great granddaughter, my father is Ruben Seguin Casanova. I have four children Michael James Casanova, Priscilla Rivera, Lucille Rivera and Daniel Rivera. I have four grandchildren Milton Castro son of Lucille, Marcos and Anthony Carbajal sons of Priscilla and Sarina Ruth daughter of Daniel who is in the Army.
1:07am 11-10-2013
Delores Casanova
I am a descendant of Juan Seguin my grandmother was Bernice Seguin Casanova. My grandmother was Juan Seguins great granddaughter which makes me Juan Seguins great great great granddaughter.
12:33pm 09-17-2013
Virginia M Pena
Colonel Juan N. Seguin was a very remarkable man. His story should be told in Texas/American history books. There are very many Hispanic children in San Antonio who do not know about this Tejano hero much less about his contributions/ service to San Antonio.
12:37pm 04-26-2013
9:04pm 02-09-2013
thomas boxleitner
I am a direct decendant of Gil Flores.
10:28pm 02-07-2013
Thanks this was a great help!
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